Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The position your guy sleeps in most often can reveal surprising clues

To his personality, relationship M.O., and deepest sexual desires.Let's crack the code.

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His Personality Profile: This guy likes to be in control. "That need doesn't stop just because he's asleep,"."Covering the bed with his body is his way of controlling the space he's sleeping in." For similar reasons,this posture suggests that he's strong-willed. "These men are usually focused and goal-oriented.

The Sex He Craves: The facedown sleeper tends to be traditional and he wants to get the job done."So it's likely he'll stick to the position that works for both of you," says Wood. Avoid a rut by suggesting a new move now and then or pouncing on him when he least expects it.


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On His Back

His Personality Profile: His open posture shows that he's secure and optimistic. He's exposing the vulnerable zones of his body,a subconscious signal that he's extremely self-confident. Pay attention to where he positions his arms and hands.If they're behind his head, which is known as the king's pose, it's likely he has a vain streak. "In general, people who sleep on their back are very social and like to be the center of attention. "When they sleep,this trait comes through, since they're literally showing themselves off."

The Sex He Craves: Energetic, intense sessions in positions like doggie-style and missionary.
He's the type who likes taking charge.


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Thrashing Around

His Personality Profile: While it's common to shift throughout the night.most people do it about 35 times  constant movement indicates your guy is stressed. When you're under pressure, the brain releases hormones that trigger the fight-or-flight response in your sleep. Typically, this subsides, but if he's going through a prolonged period of intensity, activities
like exercise may easethe symptoms by helping the body fight stress and relax.

The Sex He Craves: Men deal with stress by wanting either a ton of sex or none at all. If he's the first type,go for a quickie he won't be able to relax for a marathon session. And if he's the latter, don't pressure him to get busy (it'll freak him out more), and offer to give him a massage instead.


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On His Side

His Personality Profile: This is actually the most common position, and men who snooze this way tend to be laid-back and quick to compromise. It's the most flexible pose possible,. "These people are equally fine rolling to their left or their right, whereas the other positions are more steadfast. If you notice he draws his knees up into a fetal shape, that indicates he is sensitive and craves comfort. "The womblike position sends soothing signals throughout the body.

The Sex He Craves: "His heightened emotions mean he loves leisurely foreplay. Scalp rubs and long, passionate kisses get him going.

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