Thursday, April 5, 2012

We Spy With Our Little Eyes the Fab and FLY: University Edition ECU: Home of the Pirate Nation

 ECU: Home of the Pirate Nation

So, being all into sparkly and fashion forward things, lol we like to keep our eyes on the people that are trail blazing. By, that we mean people that are doing there own thing in a fantabulous way. Yes, I know that fantabulus is not a word. But when your a as terminally ill as I am you fly above conventions. Did you catch that terminally ill thing? Cause I'm so sick, its terminal. Ha ha ha, I crack myself up. Of course that wasn't meant to offend anyone. If you are indeed terminally ill or knows someone that is, I deeply apologize. Now, on to more pressing matters. These people were photographed by my secret team of collegues. So, if your on here then that means we think your kinda cool. We may even be considering you for the future "That's My Baby's Mama" and the coveted "Future Baby Daddy's" award. Don't hesitate to step right up and collect your prize. lol